Villa Pineda Nelson Enrrique, Venezuela, Tomsk Polytechnic university, PhD student
Production of 99Mo by irradiation of 96Zr with alpha particles (online)
Telleria Ximena, Bolivia, Tomsk Polytechnic university, student
Study of the effect of gamma radiation dose rate on the radiochemical stability oforganochlorine pesticides in different solvents
Villarroel Fernandez Lizz Nataly, Bolivia, Bolivian agency for nuclear energy, student
Applications of Nuclear Technology, in the medical area, currently used in Bolivia (online)
Sorokina Aida, Russia, Tomsk Polytechnic university, student
The dosimetric phantom of the human body for radiation therapy
Severyukhina Ekaterina Dmitrievna, Russia, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, student
Investigation of possible collisions between components of therapeutic accelerators and patients using virtual simulation of radiation therapy (online)
Caro Medina Monica Marcela, Colombia, Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, PhD student
Improving recycling management industrial waste for the conditions of the Republic of Colombia
Barbosa Lima Inaya Correa, Brazil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Head of Nuclear Engineering Program, professor
Navigating the Complex Paths: Unraveling Diffuse Tortuosity in Asphalt Concrete Utilizing X-ray Microtomography (online)
Castillo Arguedas Gabriel, Costa Rica, Ural Federal University, student
Nuclear technology in Costa Rica
Rodrigues dos Santos Nadia, Brazil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, PhD student
Determination of the activity concentration of 40-K in organic bananas from the Pedra Branca State Park - Rio de Janeiro (online)
Lopes Dias Eduardo, Brazil, University of São Paulo, student
A Cellular Automata Model of Internal Radiotherapy (online)
Nina Mamani Kevin Job, Bolivia, Major University of San Andrés, PhD student
Design of an Experimental Arrangement to Measure the Radioactivity of Potassium-40 in Different Materials (online)
Milovanova Natalia Aleksandrovna, Russia, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, student
Dudareva Olga Aleksandrovna, Russia, Russia, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, student
Radiation safety of food products grown in the Bryansk region
Souza Izabella, Brazil, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, researcher
Environmental sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goal in nuclear field (online)
Pennafirme Simone, Brazil, Exploring Global Environmental Solutions: Leveraging Nuclear Techniques for Conservation and Sustainable Practice, researcher
Exploring Global Environmental Solutions: Leveraging Nuclear Techniques for Conservation and Sustainable Practice (online)
Shikhanova Maria Andreevna, Russia, Moscow State University, student
Non-energy applications of Russian nuclear technologies to improve the situation in Brazil
Summing up the results of the section